Collection of most samples ends at 3:30 p.m. on the last duty day of the week. This is to ensure collected samples are prepared for courier service transport.
All requests from providers outside of Military Treatment Facilities must be dropped off for processing and can be drawn the following duty day. Requests from outside providers must contain the following information:
Patient’s name/DODI (Located on your ID card)
Patient’s Date of Birth
Patient’s Phone Number
Provider’s Name
Provider’s NPI
Provider’s Fax Number
All Required Labs
Diagnosis Codes
Provider’s Signature (wet or digital)
Fasting bloodwork requires that you have no food or drink, except water and medications, for 10 to 12 hours before blood draw. Please drink plenty of water to ensure you are well hydrated.
All laboratory orders entered into MHS GENESIS are valid for 90 days from the time they are submitted to the Randolph Clinic Laboratory. All outside provider's orders are valid for 90 days. If a Standing Order is required by the provider, the order must clearly state this need, provide a "Start" and "Stop" date on the Outside Provider Request Form, and can last no longer than 1 year from the date the Standing Order is dropped off to our lab.